Monday, September 26, 2005

Melivin Goes TO Dinner: Is a really good movie of conversation at a dinner.

While I was Gone: I don't like Oprah designating books for the general public to read, But I do like his book.

Ryan Adams: I don't like Ryan Adams But he did an awesome rendition of Oasis "Wonderwall"

Thursday, September 22, 2005

I feel Bad

....For neglecting this page to use. But it was only a one day thing when my other blog wasn't working. So to not neglect this portion of the blog i guess i will just put things that i am reading, listening to, or that i find interesting during the months.

Book of the lifetime is: Rain Line by Anne Whitney Pierce. The character is so parralel to me and though i have read it like a million times i still am completely submerged in the story. Great Read.

CD: Radiohead OK COMPUTER , Amazing band and even more amazing cd. Trance-like and beautiful, puts me in a mellow mood.

Movie: The Devils Backbone.
Love Love foreign movies, especially intricate tales. Which this one is. Beautiful film, many symbolism and Eduardo Rodriego is in it. Very Handsome, though mean in the movie.